Friday, January 18, 2008

Mari Mengenal KeluarGa ULtraMAn Part 11

Ultraman Cosmos Luna Mode, Cosmos Space, Cosmos Corona and Cosmos Eclipse

5. Ultraman Cosmos

( Corona Mode )

- Seperti Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Cosmos juga boleh berubah bentuk mengikut tahap kekuasaannya. Cosmos boleh berubah kepada 4 bentuk iaitu Ultraman Cosmos Corona Mode:: berwarna merah, biru dan silver.

Dalam mod Corona ini, he has a slightly different focus than Luna mode. Cosmos akan bertukar dalam mod Corona when a peaceful settlement won't work, and he is forced to battle and destroy the monster. Corona mode is more powerful than Luna mode, which makes sense since Coronamode is for destroying monsters.

Ultraman Cosmos Luna Mode

- Ultraman Cosmos Luna Mode resembles a classic Ultra, kecuali dia berwarna biru pada keseluruhan badannya. Luna mode is considered a "peaceful" mode; kerana dia sanggup menyelesaikan sesuatu pertarungan itu dengan cara yang aman. Bentuk ini merupakan bentuk umum bagi Ultraman Cosmos. Supposedly Luna's abilities are defensive or soothing, although he seems to do quite a bit of physical fighting in this form as well.

Ultraman Cosmos Eclipse

- Eclipse is stronger still than Corona mode, plus wields a beam that can eradicate the Chaos Header virus from a monster, or destroy a Chaos-created clone. Cosmos mod Eclipse terhasil apabila Cosmos merge with Musashi ( musashi adalah seorang lelaki yang akan bergabung dengan Cosmmos jika Cosmos berada dalam kesusahan. Musashi bekerja dengan EYEs ( Elite Young Expert Squadron) yang bertindak sebagai agen pengaman bumi dan melindungi bumi dari ancaman resaksa).

Ultraman Cosmos Space

-After an unspecified period of time, a new threat emerges, and Musashi begins to dream of Cosmos. Two new forms of Ultraman Cosmos appear. One is Space Corona mode, a purplish "blend" of Luna and Corona modes. This form seems to be well-suited for battle in space, as, in Musashi's vision, he battles a monster on a planetoid.

p/s:: haa..murid murid sumer, itu saja pelajaran untuk hari ini, nanti cekgu ajar lagi yer, ... cekgu nak pergi makan jap...

more ultraman to come

  • justice
  • next
  • nexus
  • taro
  • seven
  • dyna

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